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Space Shooter

Shoot Enemies in Space with the Oculus Rift!

This game was a group project done in 4-5 weeks. My group built the game using Unity 4 and the Oculus Rift. Yi Yang created a tutorial level. Darrius Wright mostly handled the alien AI and HUD. Layne Kawahara mostly did the art of the game.


I am responsible on the Oculus Rift integration on the game so that the game can switch to Oculus mode or Normal mode based if the Oculus Rift was connected.


I also integrated XInputDotNet to have rumble features and proper trigger support working in Unity3D. I also made sure that if an XBOX 360 or XInput controller was connected, I switch to XInputDotNet. If there is no XInput controller detected, I switched to Unity3D's input system (DirectInput and Keyboard + Mouse).


I made the asteroids and debris randomly generate by placing the objects far away with max transparency and fade to max opacity at a certain distance, simulating an endless field of debris and asteroids.


I also made the cross hair 3D with the cross hair colliding with objects. I made the cross hair 3D because game elements should be in 3D when using an Oculus Rift or another 3D viewing device.

Unity 4 | Oculus Rift | C#

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